Flexibility in automated messaging through use of short codes

Status: Requested 6 Votes
Erik C
Jul 6, 2024 10:02 AM
Joined May, 2023 5 posts

The flexibility with the trigger conditions within the messaging system are fantastic, but it would be great to see this taken a step further with the introduction of snippets of text that could be used if certain conditions are met.

For example:
You want to provide some instructions to guests bringing a pet within an existing message, maybe at confirmation, or when providing check-in instructions.


Currently, you'd need two versions of the same message, one without the pet instructions, and one with and the triggers set accordingly.  This can lead to a long list of templates and triggers.


Ideally, one could create a 'short code' (to borrow terminology from another popular PMS highly regarded for their messaging capabilities) that could be used within the confirmation message, or check in message, or whatever, that could show those pet instructions if/when a guest is bringing a pet.

Tyler K
Jul 11, 2024 11:43 AM
Joined Dec, 2023 2 posts


Having worked with and for email software tools throughout my career, I'm surprised a tool like OR that's on the robust side of things amongst its competitors doesn't have this.

I just finished doing exactly what Erik described here setting up multiple templates and triggers just to accommodate the inclusion/exclusion of pets. Not only is it time consuming to set up, it multiplies future work and future potential points of failure when I inevitably want to change info, because I have to remember to change it in *every* iteration of these templates.

Also, I'd love to differentiate between kids/no kids too since we have several kid-friendly amenities & recommendations that are of no interest to adults-only groups, but to do so I'd have to go down the permutation rabbit hole and have templates for [pets and kids] [pets no kids] [kids no pets] [no pets no kids] and that's just not worth it.

One email tool that does this well is ConvertKit (see 'conditional content')

The basic logic (shown here using liquid) is to be able to do the following:

{% if some.condition.is.true %}

Show this content.

{% else %}

Show this content, or leave blank and show nothing.

{% endif %}

I don't like the UX of the above liquid code and prefer a more intuitive 'pill' or token style that Hubspot uses both visually and because typed text is very error-prone for the layperson property manager, but this illustrates the functionality better.

The above would let you show/hide content like the pet or child friendly content mentioned, and even possibly other things like give information on summer amenities, recommendations, procedures in the warmer months, and others in the shoulder/off season. Lots of possibilities that right now would require templates on templates on templates on templates :)

Jul 11, 2024 2:05 PM
Joined Jan, 2020 183 posts

This is the primary reason I still pay for Hospitable -- their robust use of short codes and conditional triggers is unmatched! I'm able to drill down so far as to have my wording say "you" in messages to guests who booked for only themselves and "y'all" for when there's more than 1 guest on the booking! It is one of the small details that helps my messages sound so personable even when they're automated. I just wish all my messages could run through their system, but I'm limited to using it for select pre-booking, just-booked, and review-prompt type messages. I have to utilize OwnerRez's messaging system for the bulk of my communication with guests and their gaping hole in this department is sorely felt. The difference in the personability that can be expressed via messages (without adding the clunkiness of dozens of template options that I need to manage manually) is enormous. I hope-hope-hope this is a feature on the horizon for them!! 

Jennifer W
Jul 11, 2024 6:51 PM
Joined Oct, 2019 53 posts

This would be super duper cool eh? 
And Alece I would love your ideas on making messaging more personal!